words = ["This", "is", "a", "list","of", "strings"] print (words[0]) print (words[1]) print (words[2]) print (words[3]) print (words[4]) print (words[5]) print(words) empty_list =[] print(empty_list)
List with multiple types and dimensions
num = 3 my_list = ["a string", 2,[0, 1, 2, num], 3.14] print(my_list[2][1]) print(my_list[3])
Indexing characters in strings like lists
str = "I am a string" print(str[3])
Replicating lists like strings
li = [3, 2, 1, 0] print (li * 3)
List operations
words = ["This", "is", "a", "list","of", "strings"] print("is" in words) print("is-not" in words) numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3] if 2 in numbers print("found it" else: print(" did not find it") for var in numbers: print(var)
List functions
numbers = [0, 1, 2] numbers.append(4) print(numbers) print(len(numbers)) the_index = 3 numbers.insert(the_index, 3) print(numbers) numbers.append(55) print(numbers.index(55))
List Slices
Create a sublist from index 0 to index 2. The second index is not included!
Take a slice from the begin of a list
Take a slice from a start index to the end of a list
A step as a third parameter
a = [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] print(a[2:6:2])
The first and the second parameter can be empty. It execute things from the start or through the end of the list
List Comprehensions
squares = [i**2 for i in range(6)] print(squares)
A comprehension with an if condition
squares = [i**2 for i in range(10) if i%2 == 0] print(squares)
List Functions
>>> numbers = [99, 88, 77, 66 ] >>> if all([i < 55 for i in numbers]): ... print("All elements are smaller than 55") ... >>> if any([i == 88 for i in numbers]): ... print("Found 88!") ... Found 88! >>> for k in enumerate(numbers): ... print(k) ... (0, 99) (1, 88) (2, 77) (3, 66)
Important: ranges create objects. They do not create lists
n = list(range(3)) print(n) n = list(range(3,8)) print(n) n = list(range(4, 10, 2)) print(n)
- 1 parameter: create an object which starts with 0 and ends one number below the argument
- 2 parameter: create an object which starts with first argument and ends one number below the second argument
- 3 parameter:create an object which starts with first argument and ends one number below the second argument. Third argument is step function which determines the intervall
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