Bugs I ran into:
Symptom: Virtual IP Address doesn't get hosted
Manual testing of virtual IP address agent (start option) creates the following output:
INFO: EC2: Moving IP address to this host by adjusting routing table rtb-xxx INFO: monitor: check routing table (API call) DEBUG: executing command: /usr/bin/aws --profile cluster --output text ec2 describe-route-tables --route-table-ids rtb-xxx DEBUG: executing command: ping -W 1 -c 1 WARNING: IP not locally reachable via ping on this system INFO: EC2: Adjusting routing table and locally configuring IP address DEBUG: executing command: /usr/bin/aws --profile cluster ec2 replace-route --route-table-id rtb-xxx --destination-cidr-block --instance-id i-1234567890 DEBUG: executing command: ip addr delete dev eth0 RTNETLINK answers: Cannot assign requested address WARNING: command failed, rc 2 INFO: monitor: check routing table (API call)
The host can't add the IP address to eth0
Problem: SUSE netconfig hasn't been disabled
Solution: Set CLOUD_NETCONFIG_MANAGE='no' in /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0
Symptom: Virtual IP Address gets removed after some minutes
corosyn logs show a line like:
rsc_ip_XXX_XXXX_start_0:17147:stderr [ An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) when calling the ReplaceRoute operation: You are not authorized to"
Problem: The instance does not have the right to modifiy routing tables
Solution: The virtual IP address policy has a problem. It may be missing. It may have a typo. Another policy may disallow access to routing tables.
Symptom: Nodes fence each other
The log file shows lines like:
2018-10-11T11:14:06.597541-04:00 my-hostname pengine[1234]: error: Resource rsc_ip_ABC_DEF01 (ocf::aws-vpc-move-ip) is active on 2 nodes attempting recovery 2018-10-11T11:14:06.597766-04:00 my-hostname pengine[1234]: warning: See http://clusterlabs.org/wiki/FAQ#Resource_is_Too_Active for more information.
Problem: There is a bug is the aws-vpc-move-ip agent. The monitoring has a glitch. The cluster thinks that both sides host the IP address on eth0 and they fence each other.
Solution: Update the package in question. Contact SUSE if this doesn't work or...
Modify all aws-vpc-move-ip resources in your CIB by adding monapi=true to the parameters of each aws-vpc-move-ip resource.
Symptom: Nodes fence each other
Both nodes shut down. The corosync log looks like:
Jan 07 07:31:17 [4750] my-hostname corosync notice [TOTEM ] A processor failed, forming new configuration.
Jan 07 07:31:25 [4750] my-hostname corosync notice [TOTEM ] A new membership (w.x.y.z:52) was formed. Members left: 2
Jan 07 07:31:25 [4750] my-hostname corosync notice [TOTEM ] Failed to receive the leave message. failed: 2
Problem: The corosync token didn't arrive for 6 times within 5 seconds. Check whether the communication in between the two servers works as intented or...
Solution: Increase the following corosync parameter:
- token: from 5000 to 30000
- consensus: from 7500 to 32000
- token_retransmits_before_loss_const: from 6 to 10
Decrease these parameters later on as long as the cluster runs stable. These changes have the following impact:
- The cluster will give up on coroysnc communication after (token) 30 seconds
- The time out for an individual token gets increased to token/retransmit : 30000ms/10 = 3s
- The cluster will attempt (token_retransmits_before_loss_const) 10 times to reestablish communication instead of 6 times
- The consensus parameter has to be larger than the token parameter
This configuration will increase the time for a cluster to recognize the communication failure and take over!
Symptom: Virtual IP Address gets removed after some minutes
corosync logs show a line like:
rsc_ip_XXX_XXXX_start_0:17147:stderr [ An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) when calling the ReplaceRoute operation: You are not authorized to"
Problem: The instance does not have the right to modifiy routing tables
Solution: The virtual IP address policy has a problem. It may be missing. It may have a typo. Another policy may disallow access to routing tables.
Symptom: Both nodes shut down after a while
The log file shows lines like:
2018-10-12T08:33:10.477900-04:00 xxx stonith-ng[2199]: warning: fence_legacy[32274] stderr: [ An error occurred (UnauthorizedOperation) when calling the StopInstances operation: You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message: Q5Edo8F0xvippgHSKd11QKshu_Hhc3Z8Es_D9O4PYkrLrqY_o6ziaM0JkUrCwadpplJsJreOGxwCTEGd-f68XYc82Dz- HqBZmIrwacTFsYxa0fAQLOA6stHTc2OolBqD-X-HsKZ-bOMjAXs69RT04MRAgNVWJPXeAtq4PHZqN5nne8ocnsshgCt_5xkdjGnxp5VsfzE6o75OUtdHKtblq- 8MokX1ItkZKdohocthhQdQyhGlG8HT1loxdDSuG50LE-kHwGo1slNnZOa-Rw3rPKi0tNzpPvDvlMR3_OXwyC
2018-10-12T08:33:10.478589-04:00 xxx stonith-ng[2199]: error: Operation 'poweroff' [32274] (call 56 from crmd.2205) for host 'haawnulsmqaci' with device 'res_AWS_STONITH' returned: -62 (Timer expired)
2018-10-12T08:33:10.478793-04:00 xxx stonith-ng[2199]: warning: res_AWS_STONITH:32274 [ Performing: stonith -t external/ec2 -T off xxx ]
2018-10-12T08:33:10.478978-04:00 xxx stonith-ng[2199]: error: Operation poweroff of haawnulsmqaci by awnulsmqaci for crmd.2205@awnulsmqaci.98fa9afe: Timer expired
2018-10-12T08:33:10.479151-04:00 xxx crmd[2205]: notice: Stonith operation 56/53:87:0:c76c1861-5fd3-4132-a36c-8f22794a6f1b: Timer expired (-62)
2018-10-12T08:33:10.479340-04:00 xx crmd[2205]: notice: Stonith operation 56 for haawnulsmqaci failed (Timer expired): aborting transition.
Problem: A node can't shut down the other since the stonith policies are missing or not being configured appropriately
Solution: Add the stonith policy as indicated in the installation manual. Make sure that the policy is using the appropriate AWS instance ids. Test them individually!
Symptom: Confusing messages after crm configure commands
host01:~ # crm configure property maintenance-mode=false WARNING: cib-bootstrap-options: unknown attribute 'have-watchdog' WARNING: cib-bootstrap-options: unknown attribute 'stonith-enabled' WARNING: cib-bootstrap-options: unknown attribute 'placement- strategy' WARNING: cib-bootstrap-options: unknown attribute 'maintenance- mode'
Problem: This is a bug in crmsh. See: https://github.com/ClusterLabs/crmsh/pull/386 . It shouldn't affect functionality.
Solution: Wait for fix
Symptom: Cluster loses quorum after on node leaves the cluster
Problem: A cluster starts but it breakes the quorum
The corosync-quorum-tools lists the following incorrect status:
# corosync-quorumtool
Votequorum information
Expected votes: 2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes: 2
Quorum: 2 --> Quorum
Flags: Quorate
A correctly configured cluster will show the following output:
# corosync-quorumtool
Votequorum information
Expected votes: 2
Highest expected: 2
Total votes: 2
Quorum: 1 --> Quorum
Flags: 2Node Quorate WaitForAll
Solution: Fix typo in corosync configuration.
One line is probably incorrect. It may look like
two_nodes: 1
Remove the plural s and change it to
two_node: 1
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