PythonA resource collection around the programming language Python
Dictionaries (Cheat Sheet)
Dictionaries (Cheat Sheet)Dictionaries are data structures which map keys to values. Lists can be thought of as dictionaries with integer keys within a certain range. Dictionaries can be indexed like lists, using square brackets containing keys.
speed = {"Mercedes": 200, "BMW": 210, "Volkswagen": 220} print(speed["Mercedes"]) print(speed["Volkswagen"])
and empty dictionary
dic = {}
Important: keys have to be immutable
Searching for keys
print("Mercedes" in speed) print("Airbus" not in speed)
Function get()
Get a value with the get function:
Return a default value if the key does not exist:
Exceptions and their handling (Cheat Sheet)
Exceptions and their handling (Cheat Sheet)Handling an Exception
try: a = 2 b = 0 print( a/b ) print(" Done with division...") except ZeroDivisionError: print (" A ZeroDivisionError exception happened...") finally: print("This line will run no matter what")
The final block will be handled no matter whether an exception will be handled or not
Handling of multiple exception types
try: var = 10 print(var + " hi") print(var / 2) except ZeroDivisionError: print("Division by zero") except(ValueError, TypeError): print("Houston we have a problem...")
Catch all errors
try: text = ("This is a string") print(word / 0) except: print("An exception happened")
Raise an exception on your own
print("Get ready!") raise ValueError print("No one executed me...")
Re-raise an exception
try: number = 7 / 0 except: print("Houston we have a problem...") raise
Function and Modules (Cheat Sheet)
Function and Modules (Cheat Sheet)Example
Functions need to be declared in the file before they can be used
def my_function():
Parameter and variables declared in a function are local to the function
Returning values
def min(alb): if a < b : return a else: return b print min(5,8)
Functional Programming
Functional ProgrammingHigher-Order Functions
Use a function as parameter. Example:
def do_twice(func,arg): return func(func(arg)) def double_it(arg): return arg * 2 print(do_twice(double_it,3))
Anonymous Functions(Lambdas)
def a_func(f, arg): return f(arg) result = a_func(lambda k: k+k, 5) print(result)
Use the
- lambda keyword
- the parameter variable,
- an expression to be processed
- a comma
- and the value to be passed
Another example:
def add_six(x): return x + 6 print(add_six(4)) print((lambda x:x + 6) (4))
Assign a Function to a Variable
vat = lambda x: x * 1.19 print(vat(2))
map Function
def double_it(x): return x * 2 nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] res = list(map(double_it, nums)) print (res)
Alternative with an anonymous function:
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] res = list(map(lambda x: x*2, nums)) print (res)
filter Function
nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] result = list(filter(lambda x: x%2==1, nums)) print (result)
- lambda variable
- a function which returns a boolean
def counting(): i = 0 while i < 10: yield i i += 1 for i in counting(): print(i)
Generators are iterables. They can be used in while and for loops.
yield defines a generator which replaces the return of a function. It does not destroy local variables
Interesting: Generators can be infinite since they don't have memory restrictions.
def nums(x): for i in range(x): if i % 3 == 0: yield i print(list(nums(20)))
Lists and Ranges (Cheat Sheet)
Lists and Ranges (Cheat Sheet)Examples
words = ["This", "is", "a", "list","of", "strings"] print (words[0]) print (words[1]) print (words[2]) print (words[3]) print (words[4]) print (words[5]) print(words) empty_list =[] print(empty_list)
List with multiple types and dimensions
num = 3 my_list = ["a string", 2,[0, 1, 2, num], 3.14] print(my_list[2][1]) print(my_list[3])
Indexing characters in strings like lists
str = "I am a string" print(str[3])
Replicating lists like strings
li = [3, 2, 1, 0] print (li * 3)
List operations
words = ["This", "is", "a", "list","of", "strings"] print("is" in words) print("is-not" in words) numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3] if 2 in numbers print("found it" else: print(" did not find it") for var in numbers: print(var)
List functions
numbers = [0, 1, 2] numbers.append(4) print(numbers) print(len(numbers)) the_index = 3 numbers.insert(the_index, 3) print(numbers) numbers.append(55) print(numbers.index(55))
List Slices
Create a sublist from index 0 to index 2. The second index is not included!
Take a slice from the begin of a list
Take a slice from a start index to the end of a list
A step as a third parameter
a = [0, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] print(a[2:6:2])
The first and the second parameter can be empty. It execute things from the start or through the end of the list
List Comprehensions
squares = [i**2 for i in range(6)] print(squares)
A comprehension with an if condition
squares = [i**2 for i in range(10) if i%2 == 0] print(squares)
List Functions
>>> numbers = [99, 88, 77, 66 ] >>> if all([i < 55 for i in numbers]): ... print("All elements are smaller than 55") ... >>> if any([i == 88 for i in numbers]): ... print("Found 88!") ... Found 88! >>> for k in enumerate(numbers): ... print(k) ... (0, 99) (1, 88) (2, 77) (3, 66)
Important: ranges create objects. They do not create lists
n = list(range(3)) print(n) n = list(range(3,8)) print(n) n = list(range(4, 10, 2)) print(n)
- 1 parameter: create an object which starts with 0 and ends one number below the argument
- 2 parameter: create an object which starts with first argument and ends one number below the second argument
- 3 parameter:create an object which starts with first argument and ends one number below the second argument. Third argument is step function which determines the intervall
Loops and Branches (Cheat Sheet)
Loops and Branches (Cheat Sheet)if statement
if 9 > 5:
print(" 9 is great than 5")
print(" End of Program")
Two important things
- A colon":" is required after the condition
- Ident with at least one space
x = 1 y = 2 if x > y: print(" x is larger") else: print(" x is not larger")
Important: The colon after the key word else!
number = 3 if number == 1: print("one") elif num == 2: print("two") elif num == 3: print("three") else: print("something different")
while loop
i=1 while i<=5: i = i + 1 print(i)
infinite loops
i = 0 while True: print(i) if i >= 6 print("leave the loop" break print("Done...")
continue will end a block in a loop. It will force the program counter to jump back to the next test in the while condition
i = 0 while i<6: i += 1 if i == 3: print(" Will skip rest of block...") continue print(i)
for Loop
days =["Monday", " Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", " Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"] for day in days: print(day +"!")
for loops can iterate over strings
str = "this is a string" count=0 for x in str: if(x == "t"): count += 1 print(count)
break and continue can be used in the for block
Numeric Functions
Numeric FunctionsExamples
>>> print(min(1, 2, 3, 4)) 1 >>> print(max(1, 2, 3, 4)) 4 >>> print(sum([1, 2, 3, 4])) 10 >>> print(max([1, 2, 3, 4])) 4 >>> print(abs(-3)) 3
Strings (Cheat Sheet)
Strings (Cheat Sheet)String Formatting
>>> number = [10, 11, 12] >>> text = "Numbers: {0} {1} {2}".format(number[0],number[1], number[2]) >>> print(text) Numbers: 10 11 12
Joining Strings with a Separator
>>> print(" && ".join(["apple pie","motherhood"])) apple pie && motherhood
>>> print("Good morning !".replace("morning", "afternoon")) Good afternoon!
Check for the Ending
>>> print("Good morning!".endswith("morning!")) True >>> print("Good morning!".endswith("morning")) False
Check for the Beginning
>>> print("Good morning".startswith("Lousy")) False
Capitilize Strings and lower them as well...
>>> print("Good morning".upper()) GOOD MORNING >>> print("Good morning".lower()) good morning
Split Strings and turn them into Lists
>>> print("Motherhood, and, apple pie".split(", ")) ['Motherhood', 'and', 'apple pie']
Tuples (Cheat Sheet)
Tuples (Cheat Sheet)Tuples are similar to lists:
Lists | Tuples |
mutable | immutable |
use square brackets to identify | use parentheses to identify |
Tuples tend to be faster since they are immutable
sentence = ( "This", "is", "a", "tuple") print(sentence[1]) sentence[3] = "phrase"
An empty tuple:
sentence = ()
Working with Files (Cheat Sheet)
Working with Files (Cheat Sheet)Opening files examples...
afile = open("filename.txt") afile.close() afile = open("filename.txt", "w") // In read mode afile.close() afile = open("filename.txt", "r") // In write mode afile.close() afile = open("filename.txt"), "wb") // In binary write mode afile.close() afile = open("filename.txt"), "rb") // In binary read mode afile.close()
Reading a file
The following code reads
file = open("file.txt", "r") cont = print(cont) file.close()
Reading a number of characters
file = open("file.txt", "r") print( print( print( file.close()
Example reading a file
The following reads chunks of four characters
file = open("file.txt", "r")
for i in range(21):
Empty strings will be returned after the end will be reached.
Reading lines from text file
The following codes reads a file into a list of string print(file.readlines()) file.close()
Writing Files
A file will be created if it does not yet exist.
The content of an existing file will be deleted."file.txt","w") file.write("Write this text to the file") file.close()
Tracking of bytes written
text = "Hello world""file.txt","w") amount_bytes = file.write(text) print(amount_bytes) file.close()
Using the "with" statement
with open("file.txt") as f: printf(