RaspberryA resource collection around Raspberries. Mainly in the world of IOT. Interesting resources
Raspberry SD Card backups
Raspberry SD Card backupsMy Raspberry 4 operates on a SD card. The SD cards will burn out (sooner or later).
The following command creates a backup onto an identical SD card
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 of=/dev/sda bs=1M
This command creates a physical copy of the raw device. It doesn't know about file systems and partitions!
This command gets executed with root privilege it can create severe damage if the target will be incorrect. Check the following things upfront:
- There is a second SD card with the same size attached. Most likely through USB. It doesn't matter whether the SD card is mounted or not. The original file system will be destroyed.
- The target USB SD card should be on /dev/sda
- It reads from /dev/mmcblk0
Simplified reading of values from 1-Wire devices (in Python)
Simplified reading of values from 1-Wire devices (in Python)1-Wire is an interesting technology for Raspberry sensors since it requires only one pin to establish a directly bus to multiple devices.
The devices get presented as directories in /sys/bus/w1/devices.
Every device has a unique id like 28-26c6eb0264ff for my DS18B20 digital temperature sensors.
The value of the sensor (temperature in my case) gets stored in a file in /sys/bus/w1/devices/28-26c6eb0264ff/w1_slave
The file content looks like:
87 01 55 00 7f ff 0c 10 8a : crc=8a YES 87 01 55 00 7f ff 0c 10 8a t=24437
This means that my sensor is currently detecting a temperature of 24.437 degrees Celsius.
The only thing I'm actually interested is the temperature.
The Python routine below simplifies reading of the temperature.
Any 1-Wire device has a hard coded unique identifier, which is a kind of tricky to remember.
The idea is to map the device identifiers in a json files to names which are simpler to remember.
JSON file for 1-Wire device to vanity name association
My JSON file is named sensor_map.json. I'm mapping two temperature sensors for my cool and my warm cylinder sensor:
{ "DS18B20": [ { "device_id" : "28-92dceb0264ff", "device_name": "cool_cyl_temp" }, { "device_id" : "28-26c6eb0264ff", "device_name": "warm_cyl_temp" } ] }
The Python routine needs this file to map the device to the vanity name (cool_cyl_temp) in my case.
The sample code work with Python 3.7. It requires the json and the os package.
the method compile_temps() generates a dictionary which can be uses for the further processing. It's IOT in my case.
The resulting directory looks as follows:
{'cool_cyl_temp': 25.125, 'warm_cyl_temp': 25.625}
I'll get the values of all my sensors whenever I call the routine.
Here's an example of my two routines with a short main program. The program will require individual customization. The device type for my DS18B20 ist 28_ . That's how all directories of this device type start . You will want to connect sensors of one class at a time and check for the new directories which appear in the device directory.
import json import os def get_w1_devices(w1_dir,device_type): # This functions exploits the one wire technology # It reads a directory and searches it for a device type. All devices of the same type start with the same string # It'll return a dictionary with device ids and the value if (not os.path.exists(w1_dir)): print("W1 directory " + w1_dir + " does not exist.") else: dir_list = os.listdir(w1_dir) # Keep only files starting with 28 dir_list = list(filter(lambda x:x.startswith(device_type),dir_list)) my_dict = {} for var in dir_list: my_file = Path(w1_dir + "/" + var + "/w1_slave") if my_file.is_file(): # Open each file, read it, tokenize it, get a record which starts with "t=" # Drop the t= and the carriage return # Get the temperature in Celsius. # create a dictionary with the device id and the temperature afile = open(w1_dir + "/" + var + "/w1_slave","r") my_dict[var] = int(list(filter(lambda x:x.startswith("t="), afile.read().split(" ")))[0][2:7])/1000 afile.close() else: print("Error: W1 device " + w1_dir + "/" + var + " doesn't exist.") my_dict[var] = 1 return my_dict def compile_temps(file_name,temperatur_device_dict): # Opening JSON file f = open(file_name) # returns JSON object as # a dictionary data = json.load(f) f.close() # Iterating through the json # list the result temp_dict = {} for i in data['DS18B20']: temp_dict[i['device_name']] = temperatur_device_dict[i['device_id']] return temp_dict #### temperature sensor paramater w1_dir="/sys/bus/w1/devices" device_type="28-" map_file="sensor_map.json" my_dict = get_w1_devices(w1_dir,device_type) temperature_dict = compile_temps('sensor_map.json',my_dict) print(temperature_dict)