Creation of a Route53 Service in a private VPC

Creation of a Route53 Service in a private VPC

Enable your VPC to work with Route53. Skip this step if you already use Route53.

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows to list all VPCs with the following command:

aws ec2 describe-vpcs
Enable DNS Resolution.

The following commands will make the instances in your VPC use the domain name entries from Route53. This is most likely required since some of the consumers may be part of the VPC.

Use the AWS console. Move to the VPC screen. Make a right mouse click above the VPC which you plan to enable. Select "Edit DNS Resolution"

Edit DNS Resolutions It will then show a modal dialog in which you will have to click on "Yes" and "Save"

The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) allows to perform this operation though the following command:

aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id <value> --enable-dns-support
 Edit DNS Hostnames The next step happens as well through the AWS VPC console. Hover the mouse above your VPC. Make a mouse right click. Select ""
Edit DNS Hostnames It will show a modal dialog. Select "Yes" and Save your data entry.


The AWS CLI allows to perform this operation though the following command:

aws ec2 modify-vpc-attribute --vpc-id <value> --enable-dns-hostnames

Important: Note down the name of your VPC or tag it. The name will be needed later on.

Creation of the Route53 Hosted Zone (The Domain Name Server)

Use the AWS console. Move to the Route53 screen. Click on the Create Hosted Zone button. You will see a dialog like the following one:

 create hosted zone

We assume that you will want to use this domain name server for intranet case only. Fill the fields with the following values:

  • Domain Name: Consider to pick a subdomain from your intranet domain. Your intranet domain name server will have to use this server for name resolution for your VPC only
  • Comment: A comment :-)
  • Type: Select Private Hosted Zone for Amazon VPC
  • VPC ID: Enter the VPC-ID from the VPC you plan to associate the hosted zone with

Save everything through using the Create button.

Stefan Schneider Fri, 08/19/2016 - 14:49