Snappy for Solaris 11

Snappy for Solaris 11

 snappy is a fast compressor/decompressor library from Google. The software is available under the new BSD license.

snappy compiles without issues on Solaris 11. The sources for version 1.1.0 can be downloaded from Google.

It can be build the following way with a simple script. The script expects to find a decompressed source code tar bundle with the name snappy-1.1.0.tar .

script build-all.bash Comment
sudo pkg install gcc-45
sudo pkg install make
tar xvf snappy-1.1.0.tar
cd snappy-1.1.0
sh configure --prefix=/usr/local
sudo make install
cd ..
tar cvf snappy-1.1.0-bin.tar /usr/local/lib/libsnappy*
gzip snappy-1.1.0-bin.tar
script header
become super user and install gcc 4.5
become super user and install make
unpack the download bundle for version 1.1.0
change directory to the snappy directory
run the configure script. Installation in /usr/local/lib
Build the product
Become super user; install  under /usr/local
change directory back to the original directory
create a tar ball of the installation with all libraries
compress the tar ball with gzip 


There are chances that the target system may not have been configured as a development and build system. The two packages (gcc-45, make) will ensure that the build environment will be available.

Both packages are not needed at the run time of snappy. They can be removed if needed with the two commands:

$ pkg uninstall gcc-45
$ pkg uninstall make


Stefan Schneider Tue, 03/12/2013 - 17:15